Island Spotlight: Santorini


As the Digital Marketing Manager at Z SUPPLY, I sometimes get to write about my travel experiences (as well as interviews, clothing features, etc) for our website’s blog. Recently, they posted a Santorini spotlight, written by yours truly, which has been received very well. I wanted to share it with you here, but if you want to read the original, click here. Read on to find out quick tips and tricks for your next trip to Santorini!

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Santorini: Oia

2017-05-07 17.40.59

It’s the blog you’ve all been waiting for: Oia! Oia is the picturesque town you see on every postcard, travel website, and Facebook post; Oia has whitewashed everything, blue tile everything, and quant, quiet (until the cruise ships come in) streets. Although we were only there for an afternoon, Oia was magical (it even made that ferry ride seem worth it).

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